What will you learn?

If you choose to bit your horse it is essential that you have an understanding of how the bit works and the effect of your hands.

In this course you will learn about the history of the bit, basic structure of the horses face and areas that the bit can apply pressure. You will explore the function of various mouth and cheek pieces, bit materials and common types of bit. You will look at different nosebands and bit accessories and learn how to assess the structure of the horses mouth.

By the end of this course you will have a basic understanding of how bits work and how to spot when your horse is uncomfortable with the bit being used. The knowledge you gain from this course will help you to assess how and why your bit works and give you a better understanding of the things that must be considered when choosing a bit for your horse.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    History of the bit

    • A brief history of the bit

  • 2

    Structure of the face

    • Pressure points

    • Assessing the structure of the head and mouth

    • quiz

  • 3

    The Bit

    • Mouth pieces

    • Bit rings and cheek pieces

    • Materials

    • Types of bit

    • quiz

  • 4

    Choosing the right bit

    • Action of the bit

    • Bit accessories and nosebands

    • Measuring and fitting

    • Things to consider

    • quiz